The Tides restaurant
“Set in the magical backdrop of what was once a classic seaside Barbadian home built after the 2nd World War with coral stone and mahogany, The Tides Restaurant is now one of the leading restaurants located on the water’s edge of the West coast of Barbados. Bring to life any celebration – big or small- or simply brighten your trip to Barbados through the culinary and service experience provided by The Tides Restaurant and its team!”
Please see an idea of dishes below from their Á La Carte menu which is updated from time to time
- Crab, Lobster and Lemon Risotto, Lobster Bisque and Preserved Lemon
- Barbeque Baby Back Ribs with Potato Salad, Red Cabbage, Sesame Seeds in a Warm BBQ Sauce
- Jumbo Coconut Crusted Shrimp with a Sweet Chilli and Mango Dip.
- Surf and Turf (Beef Fillet and Shrimp) with Local Veg, Potato Gratin, Caramelised Onion Jam, Beef Gravy and Lemon Butter.
- Sri Lankan Pumpkin and Coconut Curry with Scallion, Chilli and Coriander